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Food Microbiology-2025

Want to know about Conference..?

We invite the participants from all over the world for the “20th International Conference on Food Microbiology” which is going to be held on April 14-15, 2025 at London, UK. Conference Series is a world’s foremost event Organizer conducting International conferences in USA, Europe, Asia-Pacific and Middle East.

Food Microbiology 2025 highlights the theme “Foodborne Pathogens and Rapid Detection Methods”. This will broadly cover the fields of food microbiology as well as for initiation of new prospects and to explore new tendencies in the field of food microbiology.

Why to attend?

This is the finest opportunity to interact with participants from the Food Microbiology Associations, Food Biotechnology Associations, Food Microbiology Societies, and Food Science Academicians. It mainly concerns on the modern impact and technologies in Food Microbiology and other relevant to Food Sciences, as well as for initiation of new assessments and technologies and the effectiveness of various regulatory programs on Food Microbiology. Our International conference conducts presentations, share knowledge, meet with present potential and eminent scientists, and receive name recognition at this two days event.

Our aim is to aggregate community and to create a platform for exchange of information on technological developments, new scientific innovations and the effectiveness of various regulatory programs towards food microbiology 2024. It provides a premier technical forum for expressing and knowledge about the advanced research and developments, as well as exploration of new applications, technologies and to explore new trends in the field of food microbiology.

Target Audience

  • Microbiologists
  • Food technicians
  •  Academicians
  •  Researchers
  •  Students (Post graduates, Doctorates)
  • Food industries
  • Private sectors
  • Food Microbiology Societies
  • Food Microbiology Associations
  • Individuals involved in Food Microbiology, Biotechnology, Nanotechnology and Food related matters.

Scientific Sessions

Session 1: Food Microbiology

International trade has been growing rapidly. Raw foods and also prepared foods are distributing internationally. Also food industries have been seeking International Corporation and have different plants all over the world and that would enhance the distribution of local foods. Importance of the microbiology of these foods will be increasing. To avoid importing foreign foodborne pathogens or to avoid exporting foods containing pathogens, more intensive monitor of foodborne pathogens is required.

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Session 2: Microbial Ecology of Food

The study of microbial ecology can help us improve our lives via the use of microbes in environmental restoration, food production, and bioengineering of useful products such as antibiotics, food supplements, and chemicals. The study of these bizarre and diverse creatures that are everywhere yet nowhere to be seen is fascinating and a pursuit that appeals to the curiosity and playfulness in us.

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Session 3: Microbiology of Fermented Foods and Beverages

Fermented foods and beverages play an important role in the diet of people in many parts of the world. Fermented foods provide important sources of nutrients and have great potential in maintaining health and preventing diseases. These harbour diverse microorganisms from the environment, which include mold, yeast and bacteria, mostly lactic acid bacteria, bacilli and micrococci.

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Session 4: Risk Assessment and Risk Management

This Food conference will see a wide variety of subjects discussed around the areas food risk assessment and management. The microbiological safety of food has been advanced substantially by the introduction and implementation of the Hazard Analysis of Critical Control Point (HACCP) concept. HACCP provides a systematic conceptual framework for identifying food hazards and focusing efforts on the proper functioning of key food production, food processing and marketing steps.

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Session 5: Food Borne Diseases and Prevention

A food-borne infectious disease is a quite common health problem that currently affects millions around the world. The burden of diseases caused by these food-borne pathogens remains mostly unknown. Concern over pathogenic and spoilage microorganisms in foods is increasing because of the increase in outbreaks of food-borne diseases (FBDs).

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Session 6: Food Safety and Quality

Food Safety refers to handling, preparing and storing food in an exceedingly way to best scale back the chance of individuals becoming sick from foodborne diseases. Food safety is a global concern that covers a variety of various areas of everyday life. The principles of food safety aim to forestall food from becoming contaminated and causing food poisoning.

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Track 7: Uses of Microorganisms in Food

Every food may be contaminated from outside sources on the way from the field to the food processing plant, or during processing and preservation, transport and distribution. There are thousands of different types of microorganisms everywhere in air, soil and water, and consequently on foods, and in the digestive tract of animals and human.

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Track 8: Food Mycology

The presence of fungi in food has been both advantage and problems to food stores. Fungi can spoil large quantities of food and produce dangerous toxins that threaten human health; however, fungal spoilage in certain foods can produce a unique, highly prized food source and there are some very effective fungal-derived medicines.

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Market Analysis

To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date April 14-15, 2025

For Sponsors & Exhibitors

Speaker Opportunity

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