Neela Badrie
Professor and Head of Department
The University of the West Indies
Trinidad and Tobago
Professor Neela Badrie is the former Head of the Department of Food Production, Faculty of Food and Agriculture, The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago. West Indies. She has served as Deputy Dean of Research and Innovation. She has received numerous awards such as the European Union/CARPIMS scholarship, gold medal awardee of the Rudranath Capildeo prize for applied science and technology, elected fellow to the World Academy of Sciences, Trieste, Italy, Fulbright Scholar, International Visiting Scholar, United Nations Fellowship, Association of Commonwealth University and European Union Lome, feature speaker and an International fellow of the International Food and Nutrition, USA and the TWAS/CARISCIENCE young scientist awardee. She serves on the editorial board of numerous refereed journals and has served in many scientific. She is the Caribbean focal point for the Inter American Network of Academies of Science- Women Working Group and served as vice president and editor in the Caribbean Agro-Economic Society and was the Public Relations Officer of the Caribbean Academy of Science.
Research Interest
Her areas of interests are in food microbiology, food processing, and product development food safety and quality assurance, risk analysis, international trade and food legislation, public health, epidemiology and food-borne diseases and nutrition.